- Dimensioning and realization of controllers for rotating electrical or hydraulic driven position servos


- Dimensioning and realization of controller for a medical technology cooling system


- Modeling and simulation of a hydraulic gear including servo valve


- Dimensioning and realization of high speed hydraulics

- Calculation of reaction forces at foorging by modeling and simulation taking the elasticity and inertia of belonging components in account

 - Dimensioning of low pressure hydraulics which worked during a wide temperature range

- Design and implementation of a general control system archtecture for machinerys with high real time performances. Based on CAN-bus and an improved layer 7-protocol based on CAN-Open. 


- Development of software for measuring and filtrering data which was used in realtime for decision support and controlling mechatronics 

- Implementing, in C++, commutation- and control algorithms for both drive and brake of a speed controlled brushless DC-motor